Thursday, April 25, 2013

Argentina Debt: U.S. Court of Appeals just denied the Duane Morris motion to file an Amicus brief - Now the judgment?

The United States Court of Appeals just denied the motion from the Duane Morris law firm, counsel for Italian and Argentine bondholders, to file a new amicus curiae brief.

The court only said:

"IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the motion by Duane Morris Individual Plaintiffs for leave to file
an amicus brief is DENIED."

We believe this decision was expected as the court was not prepared to re-open the case for new amicus presentations or any kind of unsolicited briefings. The court would now either (i) take the way towards issuing the ruling (we expect a negative outcome to the Republic regarding the ratable payment and still uncertaintly relating to the extent of the injunctions), or (ii) request some briefings from experts invited by the court and/or the Bank of New York, as an affected institution.

Eugenio A Bruno
Garrido Law Firm